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Gun & Firearm Crime Defense Attorney

Protecting Your Rights Against Firearm Charges

Punishment for a gun-related crime can be extremely severe even in cases where there was no injury or criminal intent. A conviction can bring years in prison, heavy fines and a criminal record that follows you everywhere, damaging all future opportunities for jobs and housing.

Attorney Kerry C. Connor has extensive experience defending clients who face charges for firearm crimes in Northern Indiana and nationwide.

After more than 30 years in practice focused predominantly on federal criminal defense and appeals, she has developed specific strengths in dissecting prosecutors' cases and finding the best strategies for defense against:

  • Charges faced by gun dealers and other federal firearm licensees, including illegal sales and record-keeping violations

  • Charges of conspiracy to defraud the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) or another federal agency

  • Crimes related to possession and sales of machine guns, automatic and semi-automatic weapons, lasers, and other highly regulated equipment

  • Illegal possession of a firearm by a felon

  • Individual charges against gun buyers such as making a "straw purchase" of a gun for another person or making false statements on applications

  • Firearms charges that often arise out of arrests for other violent crimes such as armed robbery

Kerry C. Connor has experience handling all types of firearms-related cases and she has devoted her professional career to protection of individuals' constitutional rights, livelihoods and futures. She is versed in all aspects of criminal procedure and the workings of federal court, from bail and preliminary hearings to pretrial motions, trial, sentencing, appeals and post-conviction relief.

Gun & Firearm Crime Charge Lawyer

Kerry C. Connor's approach is compassionate, highly communicative and nonjudgmental. 

Call Our Law Firm Today For Sound Legal Advice - Renowned as a stellar defender of her clients' constitutional rights and a leading federal criminal appeals lawyer in Northern Indiana, Attorney Connor is your best choice for legal representation.


Schedule a meeting with Kerry C. Connor to discuss your legal options.

Kerry C. Connor has represented hundreds of defendants facing criminal charges and handled complex civil litigation matters in state and U.S. federal courts. She is widely recognized as a sophisticated, hardworking criminal defense attorney who relentlessly defends her clients' rights, reputations and futures. Her career credentials demonstrate a long-standing commitment to criminal defendants at both the trial and appellate levels.

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